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Tag: twitter

Malcolm Gladwell misses the point

I’ve finally had a chance to read the recent Malcolm Gladwell article in The New Yorker, entitled “Small Change – Why the revolution will not be tweeted”. While I respect Malcolm Gladwell quite a bit, I do often disagree with his views on certain subjects, usually those involving social media. The last great debate he sparked occurred when he called out Chris Anderson (author of the Long Tail), essentially dismissing Anderson’s “free” economy theory and views on the future role of journalism. The ensuing discussion and ripple effect this created throughout the social Internet is what I found most interesting. I’m hoping a similar “long-tail” discussion will evolve out of his latest piece.

Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s Twitter Policy

Earlier this summer, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada posted up their Twitter Policy. While a few other departments were already on it (such as the Get Prepared – PSC – Twitter Policy), this is the first one that is publicly posted in full detail rather than just in summary form [Correction 24/08/2010: Public Safety does indeed have its full Twitter policy posted here.] This is good news for all of you still stuck trying to convince the “clay-layer” of middle-management that Twitter can be used for significantly more strategic purposes than finding out what Justin Bieber is up to.

Corporate vs Professional Individual Twitter Accounts

I’m having a challenge. I know I’m not the only one since this is a much discussed problem among various organizations in our field. I’m pretty sure there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution but I’d love to hear your suggestions.

Our consulting organization CEPSM has a Twitter account (@cepsm); and so do nearly all of the consultants that work here. That being said, we all primarily use our individual Twitter accounts (e.g. @mikekujawski) to build community around our passion/business since individual accounts always beat corporate accounts when it comes to building and fostering professional relationships. So the question is, what is the point of using the CEPSM corporate account when we are all actively involved in two-way business engagement on the same topic via our individual professional accounts?