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Tag: mobile messaging

Text Messaging vs. Mobile Instant Messaging

Copyright: <a href=''>photka / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Over the course of the last year, I have noticed a rapidly rising organizational  interest amongst my clients in using “text messaging” for communications purposes; specifically for opt-in notifications. The main reasons are quite obvious:

  • 26.3% of Canadian households have no land-line (Convergence Consulting Group, 2014)
  • The smartphone penetration rate is now at a staggering 63% in Canada (Ipsos, 2013)
  • 96% of smartphone users text message (Acision, 2013)
  • 98% of text messages are read, compared to 22% of emails, 29% of tweets and 12% of Facebook posts (Frost & Sullivan, 2011)
  • Email sucks (everyone)

Two tech trends that affected my behaviour in 2012

Sure enough, 2013 has arrived and the world did not end, which contrary to popular belief was never actually predicted by the Mayan people in the first place.

As for my own little world, things just got a lot more interesting as my wife and I welcomed Logan Carter Kujawski (our first child) into our family on October 27th. Naturally, my level of digital engagement took a drastic drop as I’ve spent the last 2 months adjusting to and accepting the fact that getting a single item off of my daily “to-do” list (as opposed to ten) is now a big accomplishment.