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Mike Kujawski's Blog | Navigating Digital Disruption Posts

Disruptive digital forces in Kazakhstan

Mike Kujawski - Kazakhstan

A few weeks ago I was invited to Astana, Kazakhstan by the United Nations Development Program to deliver a workshop on the latest strategic digital / social media marketing and communications best practices being used by the public sector here in Canada and around the globe. The audience was composed of about 40 Press Secretaries and Heads of Communications for the various Ministries in Kazakhstan.

New Facebook Features and Why They Matter

Last week, Facebook held its annual F8 conference where Mark Zuckerberg and team announce Facebook’s latest features and overall strategic focus. What Facebook invests time and resources in tends to set the course for the entire digital ecosystem. The gargantuan social network is about to hit 2 billion monthly users with hundreds of thousands of developers actively creating applications for it. While numerous topics were covered at F8 over the course of two days (videos available here),  here are a few key highlights from my own notes.

A List of Digital, Tech, and Media Trend Reports for 2017

One thing I really like about the first quarter of the calendar year is that plenty of new statistics and trend reports are made available concerning the field I work in.  I typically like to read through as many of them as I can, pull out key themes and then compare and contrast them to what I see happening myself through the consulting work I do.

Here are some of the better ones that I have come across: