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Mike Kujawski's Blog | Navigating Digital Disruption Posts

Two Free Twitter Network Visualization Tools

Lately, my associates and I have been doing quite a bit of social network visualization research for clients, typically using raw social data and comprehensive, fee-based custom tools. While these are great for deep analysis and strategic planning, sometimes a simple free tool can do the trick if all you are looking for is quick high-level insights. I would like to point out two such tools today, both of which rely on the Twitter API.

Text Messaging vs. Mobile Instant Messaging

Copyright: <a href=''>photka / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Over the course of the last year, I have noticed a rapidly rising organizational  interest amongst my clients in using “text messaging” for communications purposes; specifically for opt-in notifications. The main reasons are quite obvious:

  • 26.3% of Canadian households have no land-line (Convergence Consulting Group, 2014)
  • The smartphone penetration rate is now at a staggering 63% in Canada (Ipsos, 2013)
  • 96% of smartphone users text message (Acision, 2013)
  • 98% of text messages are read, compared to 22% of emails, 29% of tweets and 12% of Facebook posts (Frost & Sullivan, 2011)
  • Email sucks (everyone)