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Mike Kujawski's Blog | Navigating Digital Disruption Posts

Yes, There’s a Tool for That! 25 Tips to Speed Up Your Day-to-Day Digital Workflow

Back in June I gave a hands-on presentation at the MARCOM Annual Forum demonstrating 25 of my favourite tools that have optimized my digital workflow over the years. It turns out the topic really resonated with the audience so I have decided to post up the slides right here on my blog in case you missed the presentation.

Here is the official description of the presentation I gave (slides embedded below):

“Have you ever found yourself wasting a considerable amount of time performing some annoying, repetitive process within a common application, social media website, or your web browser? Wish there was a “magic” shortcut or simply a better way of getting it done?

What the Web Renewal Initiative ( is still missing

For those of you not familiar with what I am referring to, the Government of Canada (Goc) Web Renewal Initiative aims to streamline the GoC’s web presence through a single central website, .

What exactly does that mean? features 15 user-centric themes based on the top information and tasks that visitors are looking for. The site is accessible and easy to use on any device. It offers a revamped and comprehensive media/news section with new features as well as an improved search function. Over a period of three years, approximately 1,500 individual websites will be brought together under to make it easier for Canadians to find information.” – Treasury Board Secretariat

Yes, you got that right, one portal website to serve as a starting point for all citizen needs that fall under federal jurisdiction.  This is by no means a new concept. Here it is fully implemented elsewhere across various jurisdictions:

Essentially the purpose here is to stop requiring Canadians to know what each department does, let alone the name of the department itself (especially in lieu of the constant name changes).

Instead, the aim is to shift the focus to the task they are trying to accomplish. In theory this is a great approach, however make no mistake, the work involved in the transition for the Government of Canada is tremendous and should not be underestimated.

Updated social media definitions, categories, and top tools of 2016

I was recently asked by a client to update an informational section on their website that dealt with the basics of the current social media landscape. While reviewing some of the existing definitions and beginner resources on the web, I noticed that quite a few could use an update based on how rapidly the social space has evolved over the last few years alone. The following post is a slightly modified version of what I came up with.