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Category: Social Media

Updated social media definitions, categories, and top tools of 2016

I was recently asked by a client to update an informational section on their website that dealt with the basics of the current social media landscape. While reviewing some of the existing definitions and beginner resources on the web, I noticed that quite a few could use an update based on how rapidly the social space has evolved over the last few years alone. The following post is a slightly modified version of what I came up with.

Downsides to the global democratization and sharing of content

I remember delivering a speech in 2008 during the early days of Twitter in which I mentioned to the audience that this platform may soon be the world’s largest sample of live human thought (good and evil) and also the world’s largest real-time conversation database. I heard a few chuckles. Back then Twitter was typically dismissed as some new time-wasting glorified chat where self-obsessed people shared what they were doing at any given moment (e.g. drinking coffee).  A typical reaction people had to Twitter was “who cares?”.

Save for the horrendous disservice that I think promoted tweets have done by contaminating raw data-sets with non-organic data (at least through re-tweets), I think my statement has materialized quite well over the years.