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Category: Social Marketing

Information alone does not change behaviour

I recently came across this interesting anti-smoking advertisement (see video below) from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation. What I love about it is that it clearly demonstrates that “outreach”/ “public education” / “communication” alone is often not enough to change behaviour.

What if the target audience already knows how bad smoking is? Specifically how bad it is for them. What if they can already recite all the symptoms and potential life-threatening implications?  The last thing they need is another message with yet another reason why they shouldn’t smoke.  What they need is a “mirror”…

Thankful and Re-Energized

Over the course of the last 14 months, I have enjoyed the privilege of working in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania on three separate occasions. While I can’t discuss the details of the work beyond what i have blogged in the past and what is on our CEPSM Facebook Page, I can say that I am absolutely astonished at the level of dedication, commitment and work ethic demonstrated by the Tanzanian team here on the ground.