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Category: Presentation

Canadian Government & the Mobile Space in 2012

Back in early 2011, I created a collaborative Google Spreadsheet (available at to compile a list of Canadian government organizations (federal, provincial , municipal +crown/agency) that have created  mobile websites and/or mobile apps. As a supplement to that spreadsheet I also created a visual presentation with screenshots of each entry, which I try to update every 12 months and have embedded below.

The State of Mobile in the Canadian Government

Ok, the title may be a stretch, but I have put together a quick visual presentation of current government mobile apps and websites based on the input I received on my mobile government wiki. Why did I do this? I figured it might help some of you govies strengthen your case for mobile by showing what others have already done. Government organizations often like to follow the leader rather than lead (doesn’t apply to all of course , the leaders know who they are).

2009 Social Media User Segments

A while back I read the book “Groundswell” by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff from Forrester Research. I was very impressed at the time, with what seemed to be the most comprehensive analysis of social media user segments available, explained very nicely in a book. I have since used many of their graphs and diagrams in my presentations, however I always wished that there was a better way to use their research. Naturally, this goldmine of data was bound to evolve into something more interactive, customizable and useful for people actually trying to apply it. Enter the Consumer Profile Tool (below), now with 2009 data, including Canadian statistics!