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Category: Insight

Dear WhatsApp



Just over a year ago, I wrote about the prolific rise of cross-platform mobile messaging apps along with the corresponding exodus of users in terms of “small circle conversation” on major social platforms. At that time , few people at my workshops or among clients ever  heard of WhatsApp. Even up until very recently, I would still get blank stares when asking people if they knew anything about it.

As of today that will no longer be an issue.

Facebook just bought WhatsApp for $19 Billion.

Streaming is Killing Collecting


One of the most obvious trends I have noticed lately is the move away from owning media content. I realize that the concept of the “cloud” has existed for quite a while , however that’s only part of the equation here.

The whole idea of being a collector is becoming more and more of a niche now that near instantaneous access to any content you can think of is available to anyone with an internet connection (i.e. 2.4 billion people). Yes, I’m generalizing here and yes there are plenty of exceptions (originals/ first edition content/art of any kind and appreciating the unique feel and sound of vinyl being just a few examples) however overall this is a significant shift.