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Category: Insight

The importance of timing during a brand experience

Over the last year of getting on Air Canada flights, I have noticed the first thing mentioned to passengers upon boarding the plane is “Welcome aboard Air Canada , the #1 airline in North America according to….blah blah blah magazine”.

I’d like to point this out as an example of poor timing and what not to do when trying to deliver a brand experience.

Location sharing: Curse or a blessing?

Having travelled through 3 Asian countries in the last week , I’m amazed at the amount of people now participating on location based social networks. The stats still show that it is a small minority of overall social network users, however usage is growing at an increasingly faster rate.

When i travel, whether it’s business or pleasure, I always try my best to find hidden little alleyways and cafes outside the reach of mainstream tourists. To my surprise, upon doing exactly that in numerous locations over the past week, i was shocked to find that the majority of places i went to, no matter how obscure, had someone “check-in” already on either Foursquare, FB places, or Gowalla. Some even leaving quite useful tips such as local lingo to get a better deal or portion of satay.