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New Citizen-App Challenge for Canadians

Whenever I come across a new open data /app contest initiative specific to Canada, I feel it’s part of my duty to spread the word. I’ve mentioned this before in my post “How using a marketing approach can help open data” , and I encourage any of you interested in advancing this field to do the same.

The latest news comes from The Stratford Institute for Digital Media . Here’s the scoop:

“Having released the first-ever evaluation of provincial and territorial open government and egovernment initiatives, the Stratford Institute for Digital Media, in partnership with Brainmaven, turns to Canadian citizens to participate in the Citizen-App Challenge. Visit to share ideas for apps that draw on government data to provide new and useful services. Top voted ideas will be presented to the federal Advisory Panel on Open Government”.

Simple enough. Now start submitting those ideas!

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Published inOpen Data