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Month: November 2010

Understanding Social Media

I have added a new first step to my strategic social media engagement process. It involves educating key senior stakeholders within your organization as to what social media actually consists of. Without this, I am convinced that your journey towards successful use of the digital space will be unnecessarily difficult.

Put simply, you need to ensure that key senior stakeholders as well as everyone involved in the initiative that you’re about to undertake  have at least a high-level understanding of the current digital landscape, including statistics, trends, and implications of both engaging and not engaging.

Semantic confusion surrounding modern marketing

There are numerous marketing terms that are being misused so often these days that I often find it necessary to give a quick lecture on semantics before presenting, training or consulting with clients. If this is not done from the get-go, then consensus within a group is nearly impossible to attain. Even if two people fundamentally agree on something, they have no way of knowing due to the fact that their initial paradigms are different. A great visual example of this is the famous illustration of the old lady/young lady I have included in this post.

A few updates and learnings

This last month of October has been quite eventful for me in terms of work and travel. Some of the organizations I was privileged to work with on various elements of strategic digital engagement include:

  • Treasury Board
  • City of Hamilton
  • Canada Health Infoway
  • Baycrest
  • Ministry of Natural Resources (Ontario)
  • Government of Manitoba
  • Government of Alberta
  • Government of Saskatchewan

A few things I learned last month:

  • Mobile is finally creeping onto the radars of senior management. I know it may not seem like it to most public servants, however there are plenty of initiatives currently underway that should be launching over the course of the next year. To date, the largest list of mobile initiatives I have managed to collaboratively compile within the Canadian Government can be found on