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A small eBook for a big recession

Selling through a slump

Back in late March, amidst some ridiculous client deliverable deadlines, I was asked to contribute 10 selling tips for an eBook entitled “Selling through a Slump: an Industry-by-Industry Playbook”. My initial thought was that this wasn’t a good fit for me or my blog , considering I’m not (by definition) a pure play salesman. However, after giving it some thought and looking at the existing contributors, I quickly realized that the word “selling” in the title of this eBook is used in a broad context. After all, I am a consultant  and at the end of the day, if I don’t “sell” my services (however subtle that may be), I will be out of business. These tips apply to anyone really.

The one question I had to figure out was: “What is the unique market vertical that I operate in?”

The answer? Easy. “I am a marketing and social media strategy consultant, working solely for government and non-profit organizations”. I therefore entitled my section as follows: ” Business Development Tips for Marketing Consultants Working with Public Sector Clients”. For simplicity, this was later changed to “Selling to public sector clients”. I hope you find my tips to be of value.

The other contributors involved, along with their respective roles and section titles were as follows:

  • Charles Green – Founder & CEO, Trusted Advisor Assocaites – “Selling for accountants and consultants”
  • Skip Anderson – Founder, Selling to Consumers Sales Trianing – “Selling for retailers”
  • Mike Wise – VP, Ideastar – “Selling for insurance agents”
  • Matt Homann – Founder, LexThink – “Selling for lawyers”
  • Anneke Seley – Founder & CEO, Phoneworks – “Selling in health care”
  • John Caddell – Founder, Cadell Insight Group – “Selling in telecommunications markets”
  • Dave Stein – Founder & CEO, ES Research Group – “Selling technology”
  • Jill Konrath – Author, Selling to big companies – “Selling in services”
  • Anne Miller – Founder, Chiron Associates – “Selling Media
  • Dave Brock – President & CEO, Partners in Excellence – “Selling to manufacturers”

You can download the full “Selling through a Slump” eBook here.

I’m looking forward to finally reading the eBook in its entirety. Let me know what you think of it!

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Published inNews


  1. Thanks for the tips and the links Mike. The one tip I would add is to plan for a much longer selling cycle than with private sector clients. Public sector clients are spending public money and justifiably have to jump through a lot of hoops to do so.

  2. Hi, Mike, thanks for mentioning my name in your post on the e-book. I think it turned out great.

    One request: in the post, my last name is misspelled–it should have 2 d’s. Could you possibly correct it? There are a fair number of John Cadell’s out there, but many fewer John Caddell’s 🙂

    Thanks very much.


    John Caddell

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