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Your chance to “Join the conversation!”

A fabulous little promotion is being put in place by the makers of the video chat software ooVoo. They are hosting a series of FREE 6-way video conferences with the “Who’s Who” of social marketing (Starting February 10th). Anyone is welcome to sign-up for these, however spots are filling up fast. This is a great opportunity for people to chat with the leading bloggers and authors in the field:

I’m already fascinated with this application (which I will be using for the first time). The registration was a breeze and the simplicity of the website was great. However, what really caught my eye was the main feature of this chat tool, which is the ability to video-chat with up to 6 people at once (not bad for a free product). The promotion of this event , which is called “My ooVoo Day” has in my opinion, been executed perfectly as well. I’m guessing each one of the bloggers reached out to their blog/podcast subscribers, Facebook group members, LinkedIn contacts, and traditional mailing lists (which in aggregate is well into the hundreds of thousands of targeted marketing folk). The rest is word-of-mouth and viral. The benefit to the experts? Authority building amongst a tight-knit community (permanently stored on the web) and potential leads. The benefit to ooVoo? Hands-on demonstration of their free web application in action. How does ooVoo make money? My guess is Affiliate advertising.

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