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Crucial Podcasts for anyone interested in Social Media Marketing

Someone recently asked me if I have a favorite Marketing/Social Media Podcast. I thought about it for a second and realized that I can’t say I do. Each one I listen to adds something unique. I have set them up to automatically download the latest episode as soon as it comes out. How do I find the time to listen to all of them? Easy. I listen to them on my way to and from work, as well as at the gym on my iPod. Here are my Top 8:

You can easily subscribe to these and listen to them for FREE by downloading iTunes and searching for them in the Podcast Directory (note: you DO NOT need an iPod or MP3 player to listen to them).

(Visited 55 times, 1 visits today)
Published inComplimentReview


  1. Thanks for the inspiration to get episode #19 recorded and posted already! All these are great and I listen to them. One other to add is American Copywriter – those guys make me laugh out loud.

  2. Hey, thanks for listening and spreading the word about these great podcasts. I have subscribed to all of these at some point, with the exception of Internet Marketing Voodoo which I’ll now check out.

    American Copywriter is worth a listen. Like Seaton, I find their approach hysterically funny and I too laugh out loud quite regularly. I can’t say the same for Seaton though.

    A few others you may want to try out are Trafcom News and New Comm Road. Both are very good. Trafcom is Canadian and the New Comm Road guy likes visiting Canada from Boston, so we’ve sort of adopted him.

  3. Great list Mike. Thanks for the including Six Pixels of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. It’s very flattering. NPR has a cool Podcast call On The Media that I enjoy along with the list you’ve provided and the ones mentioned in the comments above.

    Keep up the great work on this Blog.

  4. Thanks for including us (CanadianPodcastBuffet) with many people I consider to be my rockstars. Your post highlights an important fact, don’t expect to get it all from one source, but with 8-10 views, you can really get a great handle on what’s happening in this space.

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