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Two upcoming niche events catered to the public sector that I highly recommend

Every year I attend and/or speak at numerous conferences, events, and seminars related to marketing, communications, social media, technology and government.  While they all seem to bring value to the table, certain ones stand out from the crowd. Two of these are taking place within the next month.

MARCOM Annual Forum 2010 (Hashtag: #marcom2010 )

What is it? An educational forum for public and not-for-profit marketers , communicators, and educators. (Full disclosure: our organization, CEPSM, is co-producing it with CMG Canada). You can view the social media press release for more info.

What makes it stand out? It’s Canada’s only national marketing and communications forum that is geared solely for the public and not-for-profit sectors.

Where is it taking place? Hilton Lac-Leamy, Gatineau, QC

When is it taking place? June 10th and 11th, 2010 (with 3 intensive optional workshops on June 9th)

Why am I going? Besides the fact that I’m speaking at the event, my main reason for going is to learn, learn, learn and of course meet new people. What exactly do I hope to learn?

All the latest case studies, initiatives, and success stories surrounding strategic marketing, communications and digital engagement (my niche) occurring in the public sector. I’m also very much looking forward to the keynote speakers this year, Mitch Joel, President, TwistImage  (whom I’m introducing) and Terry O’Reilly, Host, Age of Persuasion on CBC Radio. For specific info from prior years, feel free to read my debrief blog posts from MARCOM 2009 and MARCOM 2008.

How much is it for a 3-Day pass June 9-11 (forum + workshop)?

Any discounts? As a speaker, I can offer people a $100 discount. Simply register here and enter my name “Mike Kujawski” as your discount code (clarification: please note that this discount only applies to either a 2 or 3 day conference pass).

Gov 2.0 Expo (Hashtag: #g2e)

What is it? The rise of Government 2.0 signals the emergence of IT innovation and the Web as a platform for fostering efficiencies within government and citizen participation. The aim of this conference is to discuss ways in which we can harness these innovations to decrease waste and increase productivity.

What makes it stand out? It’s the world’s largest conference dealing specifically with Government 2.0 and e-government. While the majority of cases presented are from the U.S, a great deal of public servants from the U.K, New Zealand and Australia (among numerous other countries) are also part of the line-up. From a gov 2.0 technology standpoint, the exhibit is quite impressive as well.

Where is it taking place? Washington Convention Centre, Washington D.C.

When is it taking place? May 25th – 27th, 2010

Why am I going? I want to see how other countries (mainly the U.S) are applying government 2.0 organizational change (participation, collaboration, transparency) to better deliver services. Most of these countries are a few years ahead of Canada.

How much is it for a 3-day pass (including workshops)?

Any discounts? None I can offer personally at this point in time.

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